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This chart shows information about the year-wise number of participants who benefited from the training program conducted by the Laxmanrao Inamdar National Academy for Cooperative Research and Development (LINAC) from 2021-22 to 2023-24. A total number of participants, 1,00,310, benefited, and a total training program of 1,392 was conducted by the Laxmanrao Inamdar National Academy for Cooperative Research and Development (LINAC). The highest number of training programs, 256 were conducted, and participants who benefited were 19,927 in 2021-22. The lowest number of training programs, 194, were performed, and the number of participants who benefited was 11,864 in 2023-24.
Note: Source – RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 266 UNSTARRED QUESTION No 1018. ANSWERED ON, 4TH DECEMBER 2024. LINAC – Laxmanrao Inamdar National Academy for Cooperative.
Resource Title: Year-wise Number of Co-operative Societies Benefited by Training of LINAC from 2021-22 to 2023-24