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A Digital India Initiative

Year-wise Number of Information Technology (IT) Professional Re-Skilled and UP-Skilled under the Future Skills Prime Programme from 2020-21 to 2024-25

August 28, 2024

The graph shows the year-wise Information Technology (IT) Professional Re-Skilled and UP-Skilled under the Future Skills Prime Programme from 2020-21 to 2024-25 (as on 02-08-2024). The total number of 8,03,729 IT professionals for Re-Skilled and UP-Skilled were enrolled and 3,34,779 were completed under the Future Skills Prime Programme. The highest number of 2,38,452 IT Professionals were enrolled for Re-Skilled and UP-Skilled in 2021-22 and 1,10,786 were completed in 2023-24. The lowest number of 53,980 IT Professional were enrolled for Re-Skilled and UP-Skilled and 19,306 were completed in 2024-25.
Note: Source – RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 265 UNSTARRED QUESTION No 2128. ANSWERED ON, 9th August 2024. Data Figures are Number in Lakh. Data (as on 02-08-2024).

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Resource Title: Year-wise Number of Information Technology (IT) Professional Re-Skilled and UP-Skilled under the Future Skills Prime Programme from 2020-21 to 2024-25

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Source: Rajya Sabha