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As per the 2001 Census there are a total of 5,93,732 villages in India out of which 5,61,613 villages have been electrified as on 31st October, 2013.
In the year 2013, (between April to October) an additional 1061 villages were electrified, mainly in the states Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
All Union Territories have 100 per cent villages electrified, excluding Andaman and Nicobar Islands (67% electrified). In Andaman and Nicobar Islands, out of 162 un-electrified Villages, 88 Villages are in encroached forest area and can not be electrified as per Supreme Court order and 72 villages have been washed away in Tsunami and population shifted to other places already electrified. A few major states such as Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala, Punjab, Sikkim and Tamil Nadu have 100 per cent villages electrified.