A Digital India Initiative

Unemployment Rate According to the Current Daily Status During 1978-2012

July 14, 2014

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) international standard definition of unemployment is based on the following three criteria which should be satisfied simultaneously-without work, currently available for work and seeking work.
During 1978-2012, according to the Current Daily Status(CDS), unemployment per 1000 persons of rural male declined by 13% from 71 to 62 , and for rural female, it declined by 40% from 92 to 55. During this period, unemployment per 1000 persons of urban male declined by 48% from 94 to 49 and for urban female also it declined by 45% from 145 to 80.

During 1978-2012, for rural male, maximum unemployment per 1000 persons was observed in 2005, whereas for rural female, urban male and urban female, it was maximum in 1978. In 2012, lowest unemployment per 1000 persons was observed for urban male (49) and highest unemployment per 1000 persons was observed for urban female (80).

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Source: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission