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Top 10 States/UTs in terms of Production of Raw Silk during 2015-16

October 24, 2017

India is the second largest producer of silk in the world. India has the unique distinction of being the only country producing all the five kinds of silk namely Mulberry, Eri, Muga, Tropical Tasar and Temperate Tasar. We have seen a decline of -0.64% in production of raw silk in India from 28708 metric tonne during 2014-15 to 28523 metric tonne during 2015-16. There was a growth of 8.41% in production of raw silk in India during 2014-15 over 2013-14. We have seen a growth of 11.83% in production of raw silk in India from 23679 metric tonne during 2012-13 to 26480 metric tonne during 2013-14. The top 10 States/UTs in terms of Production of Raw Silk during 2015-16 were: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur and Maharashtra.

Raw silk produced in Karnataka was 9823 metric tonne during 2015-16. It accounted 34.44% of total production of raw silk in India during the year. Raw silk produced in Andhra Pradesh was 5086 metric tonne during 2015-16. It accounted 17.83% of total production of raw silk in India during the year. Raw silk produced in Assam was 3325 metric tonne during 2015-16. It accounted 11.66% of total production of raw silk in India during the year. Raw silk produced in West Bengal was 2391 metric tonne during 2015-16. It accounted 8.38% of total production of raw silk in India during the year. Raw silk produced in Jharkhand was 2284 metric tonne during 2015-16. It accounted 8.01% of total production of raw silk in India during the year.

These top 5 states accounted for 80.32% of the total raw silk produced in India as a whole during 2015-16.

Production of raw silk was 1898 metric tonne in Tamil Nadu during 2015-16, which accounted 6.65% of total raw silk produced in India during the year. Production of raw silk was 857 metric tonne in Meghalaya during 2015-16, which accounted 3% of total raw silk produced in India during the year. Production of raw silk was 631 metric tonne in Nagaland during 2015-16, which accounted 2.21% of total raw silk produced in India during the year. Production of raw silk was 519 metric tonne in Manipur during 2015-16, which accounted 1.82% of total raw silk produced in India during the year. Production of raw silk was 275 metric tonne in Maharashtra during 2015-16, which accounted 0.96% of total raw silk produced in India during the year.

The above mentioned top 10 states accounted for 94.97% of the total raw silk produced in India as a whole during 2015-16.

Note: NA: Not Available; Data values of Quantity are in Metric tonne; Source: Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles and also published in statistical year book 2017 by MOSPI.

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Resource Title: State/ UT-wise Production of Raw Silk and Silk Yarn from 2010-11 to 2015-16

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Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation