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Top 10 States/UTs with respect to Fund Released under National Afforestation Programme during 2018-19

November 23, 2020

For conservation, development and enrichment of forest cover in the country, afforestation programmes by planting trees are being taken up under various centrally sponsored schemes such as National Afforestation Programme (NAP) and Green India Mission (GIM) being implemented by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

Total fund of Rs. 95.38 crore was released in India under NAP during 2018-19, up by 19.23% against Rs. 80 crore during 2017-18. The top 10 States/UTs with respect to fund released under NAP during 2018-19 were Maharashtra, Odisha, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim and Manipur.

Fund released for Maharashtra was Rs. 6.73 crore under NAP in 2017-18. It has surged by 127.79% to Rs. 15.33 crore during 2018-19 over 2017-18. We have observed annual growth of 225.5% in release of fund for Odisha under NAP from Rs. 3.49 crore during 2017-18 to Rs. 11.36 crore during 2018-19. The amount of Rs. 10.99 crore was released for Karnataka under NAP during 2018-19, up by 239.20% versus Rs. 3.24 crore during 2017-18. Maharashtra, Odisha and Karnataka accounted for 16.07%, 11.91% and 11.52% respectively of the total fund released under NAP in India during 2018-19.

There was release of Rs. 7.82 crore and Rs. 7.79 crore for Chhattisgarh and Mizoram respectively under NAP during 2018-19. Chhattisgarh accounted for 8.2% and Mizoram accounted for 8.17% of the total fund released under NAP in India during 2018-19.

During 2018-19, fund released under NAP was Rs. 7.78, 6.41, 6.38, 5.98 and 4.38 crore for Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim and Manipur respectively. These aforementioned top 10 States/UTs accounted for 88.3% of the total fund released under NAP in India as a whole during 2018-19.

Note: Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 249 STARRED QUESTION NO. 162; NA: Not Available; Data record of 2019-20 No release has been made so far to any States; Data value are Rs. in Crore.

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Resource Title: State-wise Funds Released under National Afforestation Programme from 2017-18 to 2019-20 (From : Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change)

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Source: Rajya Sabha