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As on 31st March 2019, there were 929,893 Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in position in India. The top 10 States/UTs with respect to ASHAs in position as on 31/03/2019 were Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
The number of ASHAs in position was 155,942 in Uttar Pradesh as on 31st March 2019, which accounted 16.77% of the total ASHAs in position in India. There were 89,439 ASHAs in position in Bihar as on 31.03.2019. It accounted 9.62% of the total ASHAs in position in India as on the same period. The number of ASHAs in position was 66,220 in Chhattisgarh as on 31/03/2019, which accounted 7.12% of the total ASHAs in position in India.
There were 60,954 and 60,794 ASHAs in position in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra respectively as on 31st March 2019. Madhya Pradesh accounted for 6.55% and Maharashtra accounted for 6.54% of the total ASHAs in position in India as on 31.03.2019.
As on 31st March 2019, the number of ASHAs in position was 51,864, 51,311, 46,746, 42,232 and 41,222 in West Bengal, Rajasthan, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka respectively.
Note: Required numbers as given by the States and UTs based on the basis of norm for one ASHA per 1000 population norms; NA: Not Available.
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Resource Title: State/UT-wise Status of ASHAs As on 31st March, 2019