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The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has formulated National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) for abatement of air pollution in the country. The NCAP aspires to strengthen the ongoing government initiatives targeted towards prevention, control and mitigation of air pollution. It lays down a comprehensive framework for management of air quality in the country by augmentation of existing air quality monitoring network, introduction of rural monitoring stations and devising air quality management plans for non-attainment cities based on detailed source apportionment (identification of pollution sources) studies for each city.
Amount of payment released under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) for operation & maintenance of various monitoring agencies was Rs. 68,632,581, Rs. 69,598,002 and Rs. 457,770,512 during 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively. The top 10 monitoring agencies with respect to payment released under NAMP for operation & maintenance during 2017-18 were Assam SPCB, Uttar Pradesh SPCB, Maharashtra SPCB, Himachal Pradesh SEP & PCB, Andhra Pradesh SPCB, Goa SPCB, Kerala SPCB, NEERI, Karnataka SPCB and Punjab SPCB.
Release of Payment was Rs. 35,912,000 under NAMP for operation & maintenance of Assam SPCB during 2017-18, which accounted 7.84% of the total amount released to all the monitoring agencies during that period. There was release of Rs. 31,390,667 to Uttar Pradesh SPCB under NAMP for operation & maintenance during 2017-18. It accounted 6.86% of the total amount of fund released to all the monitoring agencies during the same period. Payment released was Rs. 30,544,001 under NAMP for operation & maintenance of Maharashtra SPCB during 2017-18, which accounted 6.67% of the total amount released to all the monitoring agencies during that period.
There was release of Rs. 29,309,334 to Himachal Pradesh SEP & PCB and Rs. 27,555,500 to Andhra Pradesh SPCB under NAMP for operation & maintenance during 2017-18. Himachal Pradesh SEP & PCB and Andhra Pradesh SPCB accounted for 6.4% and 6.02% respectively of the total amount of fund released under NAMP to all the monitoring agencies during 2017-18.
Goa SPCB, Kerala SPCB, NEERI, Karnataka SPCB and Punjab SPCB had been released with Rs. 24,410,667, Rs. 22,320,000, Rs. 21,600,000, Rs. 21,134,667 and Rs. 20,361,083 respectively for operation & maintenance under NAMP during 2017-18. These above mentioned top 10 monitoring agencies accounted for 57.79% of the total amount of fund released for operation & maintenance under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme to all the monitoring agencies as a whole during 2017-18.
Note: Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 246 STARRED QUESTION No 202; NA: Not Available; SPCB: State Pollution Control Board; SEP&PCB: State Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board; EP & PCB: Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board; PCC: Pollution Control Committee; NEERI is at present monitoring in 6 cities in 5 different states/Union territories namely Delhi, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Resource Title: Details of Payment Released to Various Monitoring Agencies under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP) from 2015-16 to 2017-18 (From : Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change)