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Crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction was 26.1 in India during 2016. The top 5 States/UTs in terms of having highest crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction in India during 2016 were; Delhi, Assam, Haryana, Chandigarh and Madhya Pradesh.
Crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction in Delhi during 2016 was 30.8. There were 6619 incidents and 6982 victims of Kidnapping & Abduction reported during 2016 in Delhi. Crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction in Assam during 2016 was 18.8. There were 6126 incidents and 6128 victims of Kidnapping & Abduction reported during 2016 in Assam. Crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction in Haryana during 2016 was 14.2. There were 3932 incidents and 4019 victims of Kidnapping & Abduction reported during 2016 in Haryana.
Crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction in Chandigarh during 2016 was 10. There were 180 incidents and 198 victims of Kidnapping & Abduction reported during 2016 in Chandigarh. Crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction in Madhya Pradesh during 2016 was 9.1. There were 7123 incidents and 7237 victims of Kidnapping & Abduction reported during 2016 in Madhya Pradesh.
The bottom 5 States/UTs in terms of crime rate of Kidnapping & Abduction during 2016 were Lakshadweep (0), Mizoram (0.6), Kerala (0.7), Puducherry (0.9) and Sikkim (1.8).
Note: I: Incidents; V: Victims; R: Crime Rate; *: Rate of gender specific (Women) crime has been worked out using female population; **: Includes Rape in Police Station/Jail/Hospital under whom Victims were in Custody; ***: Cases of Simple Hurt, Assault, Abetment of Suicide and Attempt to Suicide cases are not reflected as the heads were clubbed under ‘Other IPC Crimes’; ****: Other Rioting includes Previous Enmity, Family Disputes, Heated Arguments, Riot due to Power Supply, Riot due to Civil Dispute and Attack on Police etc; *****: Affray (Sec.160 IPC) is included in Other IPC Cases; ******: Excludes Snatching and Receiver of Stolen Property cases which have been clubbed in ‘Other IPC Crimes’; *******: May include cases under Abetment of suicide, Simple Hurt, Snatching, Assault on public servant, Affray, Public safety, trespass, Mischief and Receiving Stolen Property etc.
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Resource Title: State/UT & Crime Head-wise IPC Crimes during 2016