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A total number of 1,57,919 services ready Gram Panchayats (GPs) under BharatNet in the country as on 09-07-2021. The top 10 states in terms of the number of services ready Gram Panchayats (GPs) were Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Karnataka, and Telangana.
Note – Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 254 UNSTARRED QUESTION No 1122. *: The Phase-II is being implemented under State-Led model in these States. **: Tamil Nadu State Government signed the MoU with Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) on 31.03.2017 for implementation of BharatNet project. Phase-I of BharatNet was accordingly not taken up in Tamil Nadu and the States GPs are being implemented in Phase-II under State-Led model. #: Goa had its own similar broadband network and thus not taken up under Phase-I Phase-II of BharatNet Project. Delhi has no GPs and thus not taken up under BharatNet Project. GPs: Gram Panchayats.
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Resource Title: State/UT-wise BharatNet Project as on 09.07.2021