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State/UT-wise Number of Sales / Registred E-2 Wheelers in the Country during January and February 2024

July 19, 2024

This chart shows information about the State/UT-wise number of sales/registred E-2 wheelers in the country during January and February 2024. The total number of sales / registred E-2 wheelers in the country were 81,627 during January 2024. The total number of sales / registred E-2 wheelers in the country were 10,393 during February 2024 (till 6th February).
Note: Source – RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 263 UNSTARRED QUESTION No 897. ANSWERED ON, 9TH FEBRUARY 2024. Data for 2023-24 (as on 06.02.2024). The details given are for digitized vehicle records as per centralized Vahan 4.

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Resource Title: Month-wise Details of Number of Sales / Registred E-2 Wheelers in the Country from 2022-23 to 2023-24

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Source: Rajya Sabha