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State/UT-wise Female Live Births in India during 2019-20

March 26, 2021

State/UT-wise Female Live Births in India during 2019-20

The top 5 States/UTs with respect to female live births in India during 2019-20 were Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

The number of female live births was 1,958,946 in Uttar Pradesh during 2019-20, out of which 255,415 (13.04%) births were in urban areas and 1,703,531 (86.96%) births were in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. There were 1,011,213 female live births in Bihar during 2019-20. Out of these 1,011,213 female live births; 65,042 (6.43%) births were in urban areas and 946,171 (93.57%) births were in rural areas of Bihar during 2019-20. The number of female live births was 871,221 in Maharashtra during 2019-20, out of which 135,574 (15.56%) births were in urban areas and 735,647 (84.44%) births were in rural areas of Maharashtra.

During 2019-20, there were 678,307 and 663,206 female live births in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan respectively. Out of these 678,307 female live births in Madhya Pradesh, 151,059 (22.27%) and 527,248 (77.73%) births were in urban and rural areas respectively; and out of these 663,206 female live births in Rajasthan, 249,068 (37.56%) and 414,138 (62.44%) births were in urban and rural areas respectively during 2019-20.

Note: NA: Not Available; Provisional Figures for – 2019-2020; Status as on: 06 Nov 2020, 2:00 PM; Total [(A+B) OR (C+D)] =[(Public Facilities + Private Facilities) OR (Rural Facilities + Urban Facilities)].

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Resource Title: Item-wise HMIS report of All India for 2019-20

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Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health and Family Welfare