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This chart shows information about the State/UT-wise expenditure for nutrition programmes under National Health Mission (NHM) during 2024-25 (upto 30-Sep-2024). The total of Rs.16,738.2 lakh expenditure for Nutrition Programmes under National Health Mission (NHM). The top 10 state/UTs in terms of expenditure were Maharashtra, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat.
Note : Source – RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 266 STARRED QUESTION No 249. ANSWERED ON, 18TH DECEMBER 2024. Data figures are Amount in Lakhs. (a) SPIP Approval and Expenditure is as per the available Financial Management Reports submitted by State/UTs and are provisional. (b) Expenditure includes Expenditure against Central Release, Corresponding State share release & unspent balances at the beginning of the year. (c) Expenditure for FY 2024-25 includes expenditure against central Release, State release & unspent balances at the beginning of the year. The expenditure w.r.t. flexible pool for RCH, etc. is updated up-to 30.09.2024 except Arunachal Pradesh, PJ (updated up-to 31.08.2024), KN, MZ (updated up-to 31.07.2024) & MG (updated up-to 30.06.2024). (d) App-Approvals, Exp-Expenditure.
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Resource Title: State/UT-wise funds released and utilized for Nutrition Programmes under National Health Mission (NHM) from 2022-23 to 2024-25