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Under the National Health Mission (NHM), support is being provided to all States/UTs for strengthening their healthcare system including for provision of essential drugs free of cost in public health facilities within their resource envelope.
Total amount of Rs. 4249.4 crore was approved for drugs under NHM in India for 2017-18; out of which Rs. 3064.7 crore (72.12%) was in cash and Rs. 1184.7 crore (27.88%) was in kind. The top 5 States/UTs with respect to total amount approved for drugs under NHM for 2017-18 were Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal and Karnataka.
The amount approved for Uttar Pradesh was Rs. 789.8 crore for drugs under NHM for 2017-18, which accounted 18.59% of the total amount approved in India. Out of total amount approved for Uttar Pradesh for 2017-18, Rs. 560.5 crore (70.97%) was in cash and Rs. 229.3 crore (29.03%) was in kind. There was approval of Rs. 440.3 crore for Maharashtra for drugs under NHM for 2017-18. It accounted 10.36% of the total amount approved in India for 2017-18. Out of total amount approved for Maharashtra for 2017-18, Rs. 346.1 crore (78.61%) was in cash and Rs. 94.2 crore (21.39%) was in kind. The amount of Rs. 339.5 crore was approved for Bihar for drugs under NHM for 2017-18, which accounted 7.99% of the total amount approved in India. Out of total amount approved for Bihar for 2017-18, Rs. 197.2 crore (58.09%) was in cash and Rs. 142.3 crore (41.91%) was in kind.
There was approval of Rs. 308.8 crore and Rs. 281.7 crore for West Bengal and Karnataka respectively for drugs under NHM for 2017-18. West Bengal accounted for 7.27% and Karnataka accounted for 6.63% of the total amount approved for drugs under NHM in India for 2017-18.
Note: Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 245 UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 4136; Source: *NHM RoP approvals; **: Release for 2017-18 is provisional; Data values are in Rs. Crore.
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Resource Title: State/UT-wise Details of Approval for Drugs under National Health Mission (NHM) during 2017 to 2018 (From: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)