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The Open Government Data Portal of Tamil Nadu, has been established to provide collated access to the resources (data-sets/apps) under catalogs, published by different government departments of Government of Tamil Nadu in structured machine readable format. The portal presently has 18,342 resources/datasets in 1144 Catalogs covering 61 Departments.
In addition with the contribution of Karur and Tiruvannamalai Districts Hand Book data by the Department of Economics and Statistics, data pertaining to Tiruvaur, Ramanathapuram and Virudhunagar districts were contributed and uploaded in the TNOGD portal.
The Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC) has contributed the time series data showing the number of Persons trained and placed through Placement for the past 7 years, from 2012-13 to 2018-19.
A document from All India Civil Services Coaching Centre has been uploaded under Announcements Tab in the portal, explaining the Coaching Programme details and the facilities available in the coaching centre. The URL for the document is