A Digital India Initiative

Length of railway route open for traffic in India during 2002-12

September 5, 2014

India has witnessed an increasing trend in length of railway route open for traffic during 2002-2012. During 2002-2012, total length of railway route grew by 2.0% from 63122 Kilometre in 2002 to 64399 Kilometre in 2012. During this period, length of broad gauge increased by 22.3% from 45622 Kilometre in 2002 to 55813 Kilometre in 2012. During this period, length of metre gauge decreased by 56.2% from 14364 Kilometre in 2002 to 6295 Kilometre in 2012. During this period, length of narrow gauge decreased by 26.9% from 3136 Kilometre in 2002 to 2291 Kilometre in 2012.

Note: The Indian Railways are also classified by Gauges as Broad (1.676m.), Meter (1.000m) and Narrow (0.762m. & 0.610m) according to the minimum distance between two rails in meters mentioned in brackets.

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Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation