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Functioning Community Health Centres (CHCs) during Five Year Plans as on 31st March 2014

February 16, 2015

The CHCs increased from 761 in 1985 (at end of Sixth Plan) to 5363 as on 31st March 2014 (during Twelfth Plan) showing addition of 4602 CHCs with overall growth rate of 604.73% during the period. The annual growth rate is 20.85% during the period.

The five year plan wise growth is: CHCs increased from 761 in 1985 (at end of Sixth Plan) to 1910 in 1990 (at end of Seventh Plan) showing addition of 1149 CHCs with growth rate of 150.99%. CHCs further increased to 2633 in 1997 (at end of Eighth Plan) showing addition of 723 CHCs with growth rate of 37.85%. CHCs increased to 3054 in 2002 (at end of Ninth Plan) showing addition of 421 CHCs with growth rate of 15.99%. CHCs increased to 4045 in 2007 (at end of Tenth Plan) showing addition of 991 CHCs with growth rate of 32.45%. CHCs increased to 4833 in 2012 (at end of Eleventh Plan) showing addition of 788 CHCs with growth rate of 19.48%. CHCs increased to 5363 as on 31st March 2014 (during first two years of Twelfth Plan) showing addition of 530 CHCs with overall growth rate of 10.97%.

Thus, the highest overall growth rate of 150.99% in CHCs was recorded during Seventh Plan period (1985-90) with annual average growth rate of 30.20%. The lowest overall growth rate of 15.99% in CHCs was recorded during Ninth Plan (1997-2002).

Note: There is a reduction in the number of Centres functioning at the end of 10th Plan as compared to those functioning at the end of Ninth Plan due to the division of State in case of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

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Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health and Family Welfare