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A Digital India Initiative

Freight Carried to and Carried from India on All Scheduled Indian Airlines during 2009-10 to 2016-17

June 22, 2018

We have seen a compound annual growth rate of 7.1% in International Freight Carried to India during 2009-10 to 2016-17. International Freight Carried to India was 67336.9 tonne during 2009-10. It increased by 18.22% to 79605.2 tonne during 2010-11. An annual growth of 17.43% has been observed from 92702.8 tonne during 2015-16 to 108857.4 tonne during 2016-17 in International Freight Carried to India.

We have seen a compound annual growth rate of 7.54% in International Freight Carried from India during 2009-10 to 2016-17. International Freight Carried from India was 105543.3 tonne during 2009-10. It increased by 11.33% to 117498.2 tonne during 2010-11. An annual growth of 22.03% has been observed from 143861.7 tonne during 2015-16 to 175552.4 tonne during 2016-17 in International Freight Carried from India.

Maximum annual growth of 21.64% and 27.47% was seen in Freight Carried to India and Freight Carried from India respectively in 2012-13 during the period under consideration.

Note: Source: UPLIFT & Discharge Statistics Furnished by ALL SCHEDULED AIRLINES; This table does not include the passengers and freight carried by ALL SCHEDULED AIRLINES entirely outside the Indian territory.

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Resource Title: International Traffic Carried to and from India on scheduled Services of All Scheduled Indian Airlines from 2009-10 to 2016-17

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Source: Ministry of Civil Aviation