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A Digital India Initiative

Estimates of production of wool from year 1950-51 to year 2012-13

July 10, 2015

According to India recent updated report of Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) in March 2015, India is standing at seventh position as a producer of wool and contributes around 2 percentage of total world production. Historical data shows the market growth and increasing trend of wool production of the country.

In year 1950-51, the estimate of wool production was around 27.5 million kg in India. In year 1960-61, 4.4% of growth registered in decade with 28.7 million of wool production in India. In year 1968-1969, there was 29.8 million kg of wool production in India registering 3.8% growth compared to year 1960-61 with addition of 1.1 million kg of wool production. In year 1980-1981, there was 32 million kg of wool production in India registering 7.4% growth compared to year 1968-69 with addition of 2.2 million kg of wool production. In year 1990-1991, there was 41.2 million kg of wool production in India registering 28.8% growth compared to year 1980-81 with addition of 9.2 million kg of wool production.

In year 2000-2001, there was 48.4 million kg of wool production in India registering 17.5% growth compared to year 1990-91 with addition of 7.2 million kg of wool production. In year 2010-2011, there was 43 million kg of wool production in India registering 11.2% of decline compared to year 2000-2001 with reduction of 5.4 million kg. In year 2011-2012, there was 44.7 million kg of wool production in India registering 4% growth compared to year 2010-11 with addition of 1.7 million kg of wool production. In year 2012-2013, there was 46.1 million kg of wool production in India registering 3.1% growth compared to year 2011-12 with addition of 1.4 million kg of wool production.

Note: Source: State/UT Animal Husbandry Departments; NA: not received/not available.

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Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries