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The consumption of natural gas in refinery sector was 3,968 million metric standard cubic meter (MMSCM) in India during 2013-14. It has surged by 15.3% to 4,575 MMSCM during 2014-15 over 2013-14. We have seen annual growth of 7.9% in consumption of natural gas in refinery sector in India during 2018-19 from 6,533 MMSCM during 2017-18. The consumption of natural gas in refinery sector in India was 7,786 MMSCM during 2019-20, up by 10.5% against 7,047 MMSCM during 2018-19.
Note: Figures are in MMSCM; NA: Not Available; **: Availability Basis (Net Production + LNG Imports); 1. Re-classification among the sectors of consumption of natural gas under energy and non-energy sectors, has been done depending on usage. Sectors where natural gas is being used as feedstock are classified as consumption of gas under non-energy purpose whereas those sectors where natural gas is being used as fuel are classified as consumption of gas under energy purpose; 3. As per IRES, LPG shrinkage is a transformation process and LPG produced is further used for energy purposes to meet domestic / household energy requirements. Therefore, it has been shifted from ‘non energy flow’ to ‘energy flow’; 4. Sector-wise Sales/consumption of natural gas includes RLNG; 5. Total may not tally due to rounding off; 6. The reasons for the variation between the consolidated availability and the consumption can be attributed to stock changes, conversion factor (volume/energy) and the provisional data reported by the companies; Source: PPAC; P: Provisional.
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Resource Title: Sector-wise Sales/Consumption of Natural Gas from 2013-14 to 2019-20