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During 2004-12, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of consumption of Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO) middle distillates petroleum products was -1.9%. During this period, consumption of SKO decreased by 12.4% from 9395 thousand tonne in 2004-05 to 8229 thousand tonne in 2011-12. During this period, CAGR of consumption of Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) middle distillates petroleum products was 10.2%. During this period, consumption of ATF increased by 96.9% from 2811 thousand tonne in 2004-05 to 5536 thousand tonne in 2011-12. During this period, CAGR of consumption of High Speed Diesel Oil (HSDO) middle distillates petroleum products was 7.3%. During this period, consumption of HSDO increased by 63.3% from 39651 thousand tonne in 2004-05 to 64742 thousand tonne in 2011-12.
During this period, CAGR of consumption of Light Diesel Oil (LDO) middle distillates petroleum products was -16.6%. During this period, consumption of LDO decreased by 71.9% from 1476 thousand tonne in 2004-05 to 415 thousand tonne in 2011-12.
Note: *: Provisional and not include data in respect of RIL SEZ Refinery as it is presumed that all products have been exported and not consumed domestically; Consumption data includes private sales & private imports also.