A Digital India Initiative

Availability v/s Requirement of Certified/Quality Seeds including Native Seeds in India from 2016-17 to 2018-19

October 27, 2020

The availability of certified/quality seeds including native seeds against the requirement of farmers in India was 107.58%, 112.93% and 112.82% from 2016-17 to 2018-19 respectively.

The availability of certified/quality seeds including native seeds was 380.29 lakh quintals in India in 2016-17. It has surged by 10.29% to 419.41 lakh quintals during 2017-18 above 2016-17. We have seen annual decline of -4.89% in availability of certified/quality seeds including native seeds in India to 398.88 lakh quintals during 2018-19 versus 2017-18.

The requirement of certified/quality seeds including native seeds was 353.49 lakh quintals in India in 2016-17. It has increased by 5.06% to 371.38 lakh quintals during 2017-18 over 2016-17. Annual de-growth of -4.8% has been observed in requirement of certified/quality seeds including native seeds in India to 353.54 lakh quintals during 2018-19 against 2017-18.

Note: Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 249 STARRED QUESTION NO. 373; Data value are Quantity in lakh Quintals.

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Resource Title: Availability of Certified/Quality Seeds including Native Seeds in Country from 2016-17 to 2018-19 (From : Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)

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Source: Rajya Sabha