Ahmedabad: Data enabled Smart Water Distribution System (Water SCADA)
October 15, 2019
Yatindra Naik
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) is responsible for catering to the domestic and commercial water demand of the city. Sabarmati river and Narmada canal are the two main sources of water in the city. AMC currently operates 3 major Water Treatment Plants (WTP) namely Kotarpur, Raska, Jaspur; and 4 operational frenchwells on Sabarmati River that augment water supply to the city. Along with Sabarmati River and Narmada canal, ground water is also utilized as a source for water supply. After treatment, water is then supplied to various Water Distribution Station (WDS) in 7 zones across Ahmedabad city which further supply water to the end user.
Smart City Ahmedabad has initiated the implementation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for water supply at WTP and each WDS operational across the city.
Previous operating mechanism at WDS and WTPs
- All WTP are manual operated on contract basis
- Critical operations are all manual
- Physiochemical parameters are monitored in a laboratory on sampling basis
- Consumption of chemicals is calculated and logged manually
- All reporting is through manual log books and calculation is done on theoretical basis
Objectives of implementing the new system
- Provide adequate quantity of water as per CPHEEO standard to citizens
- Reduction in Non-Revenue Water (NRW)
- Reduce breakdowns and maintenance time
- Water and energy audit
- Provide tool to executives for improving their efficiency
- Effective and efficient management of water supply
- Increase transparency for citizens
Key steps taken to attain the above objectives
- Adoption of advanced technology – use of SCADA
- Real-time data generation with online-monitoring
- Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Defining Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for auto-analysis and alerts
- Monitoring health and performance of water distribution pumps
- Preventive maintenance to avoid breakdowns
- Monitoring Water Distribution Efficiency
- Review of Return on Investment (ROI)
1. Adopting advanced technology – use of SCADA
- Converts measured data to engineering units
- Performs local and remote-controlled functions
- Performs equipment safety shutdown functions
- Transmits data to a central monitoring location
- Water/Wastewater system can be operated as a single coordinated entity
- It saves money in electrical and chemical costs
- It takes far fewer people to monitor and operate the system-additional savings are realized
- Emergencies can be instantly responded and System faults such as main breaks can be quickly identified instead of waiting for citizen complaints
- Treated water quality is closely monitored to ensure public health and safety
- Human errors elimination in operation
Water SCADA System Architecture

SCADA Zonal Overview- Kotarpur Frenchwell

2. Real-time data generation with online monitoring
Data for Kotarpur WTP

Kotarpur WTP – Key Indicators

SCADA Zonal Overview -West Zone Motera WDS

Real-time Energy, Hydraulic and Water Quality data from 185 WDS, 4 WTP, 4 French wells was available at a glance at one centralized command center and 7 Zonal water management stations.
3. Monitoring KPIs and defining SOPs for auto-analysis and alerts
Command Center @ AMC

Online Water Audit

SOP Generation in IBM Software

Sample Email Alert – Inlet Flow less than Average

SCADA Report Website Homepage and Dashboard (Data updated every 15 min)


Daily Report

Daily Pump Data Report

Benefits achieved
- Total 23 MLD production increase by analysis of Frenchwell data
- Energy saving of 6.5 crore per annum, after data analysis of water distribution stations and operation of valves
- Improved efficiency of executives, enabling them to handle more infrastructure with limited manpower
- Direct monitoring from centralized control room
- Web-based application enable monitoring through mobile
- Quality monitoring leading to increase in safety and improved health of people
- Automatic messaging system in case of any deficiency at each WDS and also automatic report generation.
- Auto-operation of WDS, reducing the manual error and improving the performance of pumps
Administrative advantages of SCADA
- Important tool for implementing 24 x 7 Scheme
- Improved efficiency of executives enabling them handle more infrastructure with limited manpower
- Overcoming manual errors in operation, reducing breakdowns
- Direct monitoring from centralized control room
- Monitoring of entire water supply system by topmost authority in AMC
- Automatic direct reporting to all concerned Engineers
- Web-based application enable monitoring through Mobile
- Quality monitoring increase safety and health of people
- Centrally Surveillance of WTP
Financial Advantages of SCADA
- Reduced cost of operation as preventive measures can be planned from data, enhancing the life of mechanical and electrical equipment
- Cost effective operation of WDS
- Energy monitoring and saving, reduces overall electricity cost
- Auto-power factor control eliminates penalty, thus saving expenditure
- Web-publishing of data for citizens would remind them to pay for water in future, if supply is metered
- In water treatment plant auto-signaling for backwash of filter bed media results in saving of clear water
- Auto-reporting in centralized place will minimize present practice reporting which leads to reduced communication cost
- Controlling physiochemical parameters results in savings of chemicals at WTP
Way Forward
Ahmedabad has initiated the project for augmentation of network SCADA i.e. from WDS to end-user pipeline in the city, the tender is under evaluation at Smart City Ahmedabad.