A Digital India Initiative

Are you secure against accidental (Road Accidents) death?

July 15, 2015

5There were two types of accidental deaths namely Natural and Un-natural. Natural accidental deaths include “Avalanche, Cold and Exposure, Cyclone/tornado, Earthquake, Epidemic, Flood, Heat Stroke, Landslide, Lightning, Other Natural Causes, Starvation/thirst and Torrential rains”. Un-natural accidental deaths include “Air-Crash, Collapse of Structure (House), Collapse of Structure (Building), Collapse of Structure (Dam), Collapse of Structure (Bridge), Collapse of Structure (Others), Drowning (Boat Capsize), Drowning (Other Cases), Electrocution, Explosion (Bomb explosion), Explosion(Other explosion like Boilers, Gas cylinder etc.), Falls (Fall from Height), Fall into Pit/Manhole, Factory/Machine Accidents, Fire (Fireworks/Crackers), Fire (Short-Circuit), Gas Cylinder/Stove Burst, Other Fire Accidents, Fire-Arms, Sudden Deaths (Heart Attacks), Epileptic Fits/Giddiness, Abortions/Child Birth, Influence of Alcohol, Killed by animals, Mines or quarry disaster, Food Poisoning/Accidental Intake of Insecticides etc., Spurious/poisonous liquor, Leakage of poisonous gases etc., Snake Bite/Animal Bite, Other, Stampede, Suffocation, Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents), Traffic Accidents (Rail-Road Accidents), Other Railway Accidents, Other Causes (Please Specify) and Causes Not Known”.

A total of 400517 accidental deaths were reported in the country (India) during 2013, Compared with 394982 such deaths reported in 2012. This reflects a net increase of 5535 accidental deaths (1.4%) in 2013 compared to 2012. During 2013, there were a total of 400517 accidental deaths happened in India. Out of which 377758 (94.3%) were due to Un-natural causes and 22759 (5.7%) were due to Natural causes.
In our country during 2013 out of a total of 400517 accidental deaths, 312670 (78.1%) were male and 87840 (21.9%) were female. During 2012 male were 306061 (77.5%) and female were 88921 (22.5%) out of a total of 394982 accidental deaths.

In year 2013, Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) 137423 deaths continue to be the major cause of unnatural accidental deaths recording 34.3% of all accidental deaths (400517). Out of 137423 Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents), 117055 (85.2%) were male and 20368 (14.8%) were female. In year 2012, there were 139091 accidental deaths due to Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents), out of which 118533 were male and 20558 were female.
During 2013, out of Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths (137423); a large chunk of 47838 (34.8%) were aged between 30-44 years. which was followed by 15-29 years, 45-59 years, above 60 years and up-to 14 years had accidental deaths of 42453, 28263, 11564 and 7305 respectively. In Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) death; age group of between 30-44 years there were 41574 (86.9%) male Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths and 6264 (13.1%) female Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths.

During 2013 as per Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths, there were 4 states namely Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra which had contributed more than 9% each out of Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths in India. In Uttar Pradesh there were 15630 (11.4%) Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths, out of which 13076 were male and 2554 were female. In Tamil Nadu there were 15563 (11.3%) Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths, out of which 13438 were male and 2125 were female. In Andhra Pradesh there were 14647 (10.7%) Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths, out of which 12343 were male and 2304 were female. In Maharashtra there were 13245 (9.6%) Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents) deaths, out of which 11513 were male and 1732 were female.

According to world health organization report wearing a helmet reduces chances of death by 40% and reduces chances of serious injury by 70%. Wearing seatbelts can reduce fatal injury by 50% for front seat occupants and 75% for rear seat occupants. Use of Child restraint system reduces chances of fatal crash among infants by 70% and among young children by 80%.
Some of the Steps to be followed to avoid Traffic Accidents (Road Accidents):

  • Wearing helmet
  • Wearing seatbelt
  • Child restraint system
  • Avoid discuss over phone while driving
  • Avoid drink and drive

Taken the raw data from below link (Open Government Data platform) for Analysis purpose:

All in all, one of the greatest hazard to your safety are road accidents, the statistics here clearly bring out the same. Therefore, one should be careful while driving and travelling by road and at the same time follow traffic rule to the fullest.
