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The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India was 9894 during the year 2015. The top 10 States/UTs in terms of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act were: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra during the year 2015.
The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Uttar Pradesh was 2766 during the year 2015. It accounted for 27.96% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India during the year 2015.
The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Bihar was 1867 during the year 2015. It accounted for 18.87% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India during the year 2015. The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Jharkhand was 1552 during the year 2015. It accounted for 15.69% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India during the year 2015.
The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Karnataka was 1541 during the year 2015. It accounted for 15.58% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India during the year 2015. The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Odisha was 1201 during the year 2015. It accounted for 12.14% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India during the year 2015.
These top 5 states accounted for 90.24% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India as a whole during the year 2015.
The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Tamil Nadu was 333 (3.37% of All India) during the year 2015. The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Andhra Pradesh was 303 (3.06% of All India) during the year 2015. The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Assam was 95 (0.96% of All India) during the year 2015. The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Madhya Pradesh was 62 (0.63% of All India) during the year 2015. The number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in Maharashtra was 42 (0.42% of All India) during the year 2015.
The above mentioned 10 states accounted for 98.68% of the number of cases reported under Dowry Prohibition Act in India as a whole during the year 2015.
Note: NA: Not Available; I: refers to Cases Reported; V: refers to No. of Victims in registered cases; R: refers to Crime Rate.
Dataset URL:
Resource Title: State & UT-wise Cases Reported (I), Victims(V) & Rate (R) of Cognizable Crimes(SLL) under Different Crime Heads During 2015