A Digital India Initiative

Voluntary Surrender of Subsidy on Domestic LPG as on 01.05.2016

May 4, 2017

The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders in India was 10078190 as on 01.05.2016. The top 10 States/UTs in terms of the number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG were: Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab as on 01.05.2016.

The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Maharashtra was 1649006 as on 01.05.2016. It accounted for 16.36% of the number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as on 01.05.2016.

The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Uttar Pradesh was 1254924 as on 01.05.2016. It accounted for 12.45% of the number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as on 01.05.2016. The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Delhi was 730633 as on 01.05.2016. It accounted for 7.25% of the number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as on 01.05.2016.

The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Karnataka was 707860 as on 01.05.2016. It accounted for 7.02% of the number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as on 01.05.2016. The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Rajasthan was 651068 as on 01.05.2016. It accounted for 6.46% of the number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as on 01.05.2016.

These top 5 States/UTs accounted for almost half i.e. 49.54% of the total number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as a whole as on 01.05.2016.

The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Tamil Nadu was 649097 as on 01.05.2016 (6.44% of All India). The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Gujarat was 445491 as on 01.05.2016 (4.42% of All India). The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Bihar was 430864 as on 01.05.2016 (4.28% of All India). The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Madhya Pradesh was 428985 as on 01.05.2016 (4.26% of All India). The number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in Punjab was 397181 as on 01.05.2016 (3.94% of All India).

The above mentioned top 10 States/UTs accounted for 72.88% of the total number of voluntary surrender of subsidy on domestic LPG in India as a whole as on 01.05.2016.

Note: Source: Rajya Sabha Session – 239 Unstarred Question No. 1244.

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Resource Title: State-wise Opt out status ‘Voluntary Surrender of Subsidy on Domestic LPG’ as on 01.05.2016 (From: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas)

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Source: Rajya Sabha