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The milk production estimate in India was 146313.55 thousand metric tonnes during the Financial Year 2014-15. The top 10 states in terms of the milk production estimate were: Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Bihar and Tamil Nadu during the Financial Year 2014-15.
The milk production estimate in Uttar Pradesh was 25198.36 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15. It was 17.22% of the milk production estimate in India during 2014-15. The milk production estimate in Rajasthan was 16934.31 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15. It was 11.57% of the milk production estimate in India during 2014-15. The milk production estimate in Gujarat was 11690.57 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15. It was 7.99% of the milk production estimate in India during 2014-15. The milk production estimate in Madhya Pradesh was 10779.07 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15. It was 7.37% of the milk production estimate in India during 2014-15. The milk production estimate in Punjab was 10351.41 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15. It was 7.07% of the milk production estimate in India during 2014-15.
These top 5 states accounted for 51.22% of the total milk production estimate in India as a whole during the Financial Year 2014-15. Each of these top 5 states was estimated to have milk production of more than 10,000 thousand metric tonnes or 10 million tonnes individually during the Financial Year 2014-15.
The milk production estimate in Andhra Pradesh was 9656.15 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15 (6.6% of All India). The milk production estimate in Maharashtra was 9542.29 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15 (6.52% of All India). The milk production estimate in Haryana was 7901.35 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15 (5.4% of All India). The milk production estimate in Bihar was 7774.89 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15 (5.31% of All India). The milk production estimate in Tamil Nadu was 7132.47 thousand metric tonnes during 2014-15 (4.87% of All India).
The above mentioned top 10 states accounted for 79.92% of the total milk production estimate in India as a whole during the Financial Year 2014-15.
Note: NA: Not Available/ Not Reported/ Not Received; 0.00: Not reported/not available.
Resource Title: State & UT-wise Estimates of Yield Rates and Share of Cows, Buffalo and Goats in Milk Production during 2014-15
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