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States with revenue deficit as percentage of GSDP during 2013-14 (BE)

January 2, 2015

The States with revenue deficit as percentage of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) – 2013-14 Budgeted Expenditure (BE) are: Nagaland (-6.50% revenue deficit as a percentage of GSDP); Jharkhand (-1.83% revenue deficit); Madhya Pradesh (-1.16% revenue deficit); Kerala (-0.65% revenue deficit); Punjab (-0.55% revenue deficit); West Bengal (-0.50% revenue deficit); Goa (-0.15% revenue deficit) and Karnataka (-0.10% revenue deficit). Thus, there were 8 States/UTs which had revenue deficit during 2013-14 (BE).

The revenue deficit of these 8 States/UTs as percentage of GSDP during the previous year i.e. 2012-13 (Pre. Actual) respectively was: Nagaland (-4.57% revenue deficit as a percentage of GSDP); Jharkhand (-0.9% revenue deficit); Madhya Pradesh (2% revenue deficit); Kerala (-0.99% revenue deficit); Punjab (-2.6% revenue deficit); West Bengal (-2.25% revenue deficit); Goa (-0.19% revenue deficit) and Karnataka (-0.36% revenue deficit).

Nagaland, Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh had shown an increase in the level of revenue deficit as percentage of GSDP during the year of 2013-14 (BE) as compared to revenue deficit of these states during the previous year of 2012-13 (Pre. Actual). In fact, Madhya Pradesh had revenue surplus in 2012-13 (Pre. Actual). Kerala, Punjab, West Bengal, Goa and Karnataka had registered a decrease in the level of revenue deficit as percentage of GSDP during the year of 2013-14 (BE) as compared to revenue deficit of these states during the previous year of 2012-13 (Pre. Actual).

Note: Revenue Deficit as % of GSDP figures from 1997-98 to 2013-14 (as on 30 Nov., 2014) where GSDP means Gross State Domestic Product at Constant 2004-05 Prices.

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Source: NITI Aayog/Planning Commission