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This line chart provides information about the year-wise number of new suppliers who have Registered Themselves in the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) from 2019-20 to 2022-23 (as on 05.12.2022). A total number of 12,17,857 new suppliers were registered in the Government e-Marketplace (GeM). The highest number of new suppliers were 8,49,812 in 2020-21. The lowest number of new suppliers were 1,03,524 in 2022-23 (as on 05-12-2022).
Note: Source – RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 258 STARRED QUESTION No 42. Data (as on 05.12.2022).
Resource Title: Year-wise Number of New Suppliers who Registered Themselves in the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) to Enable Them to Sell their Products Directly to various Government Departments and Organizations from 2019-20 20 to 2022-23