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The top 5 States/UTs with respect to still births in India during 2019-20 were Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
The number of still births was 45,556 in Uttar Pradesh during 2019-20, out of which 2,489 (5.46%) still births were in urban areas and 43,067 (94.54%) still births were in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. There were 24,775 still births in Rajasthan during 2019-20. Out of these 24,775 still births; 11,485 (46.36%) still births were in urban areas and 13,290 (53.64%) still births were in rural areas of Rajasthan during 2019-20. The number of still births was 23,475 in Madhya Pradesh during 2019-20, out of which 4,112 (17.52%) and 19,363 (82.48%) still births were in urban and rural areas respectively of Madhya Pradesh.
During 2019-20, there were 23,110 and 18,940 still births in Bihar and West Bengal respectively. Out of these 23,110 still births in Bihar, 1,349 (5.84%) and 21,761 (94.16%) still births were in urban and rural areas respectively; and out of these 18,940 still births in West Bengal, 6,118 (32.3%) still births were in urban areas and 12,822 (67.7%) still births were in rural areas during 2019-20.
Note: NA: Not Available; Provisional Figures for – 2019-2020; Status as on: 06 Nov 2020, 2:00 PM; Total [(A+B) OR (C+D)] =[(Public Facilities + Private Facilities) OR (Rural Facilities + Urban Facilities)].
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Resource Title: Item-wise HMIS report of All India for 2019-20