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The number of Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) in India was 44340, 52912, 48398 and 41871 during 2015-16 to 2018-19 (upto 23.01.2019) respectively. The top 10 States/UTs with respect to Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP during 2018-19 (upto 23.01.2019) were Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Assam, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Bihar.
There was 4250 Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Jammu & Kashmir during 2018-19, up by 13.2% against 3753 during 2017-18. We have seen annual de-growth of -33.2% in number of Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Uttar Pradesh from 5432 during 2017-18 to 3629 during 2018-19. The number of Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Maharashtra was 3302 in 2018-19, down by 80 basis points versus 3329 in 2017-18.
The number of Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka was 3135 and 2198 respectively during 2018-19. Annual growth of -23.4% and 3.9% has been observed in Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka respectively in 2018-19 above 2017-18.
During 2018-19, there was 2135, 2128, 1762, 1738 and 1577 Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Assam, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Bihar respectively. We have found annual growth of -6.4%, 13.4%, 20.4%, -27.6% and -31.6% in number of Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP in Assam, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Bihar respectively during 2018-19 above 2017-18.
Note: Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 248 UNSTARRED QUESTION No 1189; Gujarat: Including Daman& Diu; Maharashtra: Including Dadra & Nagar Haveli; PMEGP: Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme.
Resource Title: State/UT-wise Number of Micro Units/Enterprises set-up under PMEGP from 2015-16 to 2018-19 (From : Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)