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1,00,000 Gram Panchayats (GPs) were targeted to be connected by broadband in India under BharatNet Phase-I. As on 28th January 2018; 1,11,084 GPs had been connected by Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) in India, out of which 1,02,326 GPs were ready for Service. The top 5 States/UTs in terms of GPs connected by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I as on 28.01.2018 were Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Punjab.
The number of GPs connected by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I was 26647 in Uttar Pradesh as on 28.01.2018, which accounted 23.99% of the total GPs connected in India under the same. There were 13713 GPs connected by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I in Uttar Pradesh as on 28.01.2018. It accounted 12.34% of the total GPs connected in India by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I as on 28.01.2018. The number of GPs connected by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I was 11987 in Madhya Pradesh as on 28.01.2018, which accounted 10.79% of the total GPs connected in India under the same.
There were 8130 and 7413 GPs connected by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I in Rajasthan and Punjab respectively as on 28.01.2018. Rajasthan accounted for 7.32% and Punjab accounted for 6.67% of the total GPs connected in India by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I as on 28.01.2018.
The above mentioned top 5 states accounted for 61.12% of the total GPs connected in India as a whole by OFC under BharatNet Phase-I as on 28th January 2018.
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Resource Title: State/UT-wise Details of BharatNet As on 28.01.2018 (From: Ministry of Communications)