A Digital India Initiative

Wireline and Wireless Tele-Density Percentage from 2001 to 2014

May 21, 2015

The Wireline Tele-density in India in the year 2001 was 3.23%. The Wireline Tele-density in India in the year 2002 was 3.65% and recorded a growth of 0.42 percentage points over the previous year. The Wireline Tele-density in India in the year 2014 was 2.3% and recorded a decline of -0.17 percentage points over the previous year. The maximum growth of 0.42 percentage points in Wireline Tele-density in India was recorded in the year 2002. The minimum growth, in fact, negative growth of -0.25 percentage points in Wireline Tele-density in India was recorded in the year 2012.

The Wireless Tele-density in India in the year 2001 was 0.35%. The Wireless Tele-density in India in the year 2002 was 0.64% and recorded a growth of 0.29 percentage points over the previous year. The Wireless Tele-density in India in the year 2014 was 72.94% and recorded a growth of 2.09 percentage points over the previous year. The maximum growth of 18.38 percentage points in Wireless Tele-density in India was recorded in the year 2011. The minimum growth, in fact, negative growth of -5.15 percentage points in Wireless Tele-density in India was recorded in the year 2013.

Thus, there has been a steady growth in Wireless Tele-density in India form the year 2001 to 2012, with progress by leaps and bounds between the period from the year 2009 to the year 2012. The Wireline Tele-density has been on a declining path between the period from the year 2005 to 2014, with continuously steady decline since the year 2008.

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Source: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Department of Telecommunications (DOT)