A Digital India Initiative

Nursing Staffs at PHCs & CHCs in Rural Areas during 2019

August 27, 2020

There were 80,976 nursing staffs in position at Primary Health Centres (PHCs) & Community Health Centres (CHCs) in rural areas of India during 2019. The top 5 States/UTs with respect to nursing staffs in position at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas during 2019 were Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Gujarat.

The number of nursing staffs in position at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas in Uttar Pradesh was 18,504 during 2019, which accounted 22.85% of the total nursing staffs at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas of India. There were 8,889 nursing staffs in position at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas in Rajasthan during 2019. It accounted 10.98% of the total nursing staffs at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas of India during the same period. The number of nursing staffs in position at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas in Tamil Nadu was 5,888 during 2019, which accounted 7.27% of the total nursing staffs at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas of India.

During 2019, there were 5,811 and 4,218 nursing staffs in position at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas in West Bengal and Gujarat respectively. West Bengal accounted for 7.18% and Gujarat accounted for 5.21% of the total nursing staffs at PHCs & CHCs in rural areas of India during 2019.

Note: NA: Not Available; Telangaana came to existence in 2014 after bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh; *: Surplus; 1: One per Primary Health Centre, HWC-PHC and 7 per Community Health Centre; 2: Total given in the Table are not strictly comparable as figures for some of the States were not available in 2005; For calculating the overall percentages of vacancy and shortfall, the States/UTs for which manpower position is not available, may be excluded; For the year 2019 the figures contains data of PHCs, HWC-PHCs and CHCs.

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Resource Title: State/UT-wise Nursing Staff at PHCs & CHCs in Rural Areas during 2005 and 2019

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Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Health and Family Welfare