A Digital India Initiative

Country-wise Export of Raw Wool from India during 2017-18

May 13, 2019

India had exported 221727 kilograms of raw wool during 2017-18; whose value was US$ 0.76 million. The top 3 countries in terms of export of raw wool from India during 2017-18 were USA, UK and CHINA P RP.

During 2017-18, Export of raw wool was 67368 kilograms to USA, its value was US$ 0.1 million. It accounted 30.38% of the total raw wool exported from India during 2017-18. Export of raw wool was 66797 kilograms to UK during 2017-18, in value term it was US$ 0.3 million. UK accounted 30.13% of the total raw wool exported from India during 2017-18. Export of raw wool was 59308 kilograms to CHINA P RP in 2017-18, its value was US$ 0.26 million. It accounted 26.75% of the total raw wool exported from India during 2017-18.

Note: NA: Not Applicable; Values are in Million USD; Some quantities are not applicable as units of measurement are different and hence non additive.

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Resource Title: Principal Commodity wise Export for the year 2017-18

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Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce