A Digital India Initiative

Cost and Minimum Support Price of Rabi Crops Commodities during 2017-18 & 2018-19

September 25, 2020

 Government has increased the minimum support prices (MSPs) for all mandated kharif, rabi and commercial crops for 2018-19 season. The MSPs fixed by Government for all mandated crops provide at least a return of 50 per cent over cost of production for the year 2018-19.

The MSP of Wheat was Rs. 1,840 per quintal for 2018-19, up by 112.5% against cost of Rs. 866 per quintal. The cost of production for Barley was Rs. 860 per quintal during 2018-19. Its MSP has increased by 67.4% to Rs. 1,440 per quintal for 2018-19 over its cost. The MSP of Gram was Rs. 4,620 per quintal for 2018-19 with return of 75.2% versus cost of Rs. 2,637 per quintal.

The MSP of Masur (Lentil), Rapeseed/mustard and Safflower were Rs. 4,475, 4,200 and 4,945 per quintal respectively for 2018-19. We have observed return of 76.7% for Masur (Lentil), 89.9% for Rapeseed/Mustard and 50.1% for Safflower in MSP against cost of production for 2018-19.

The MSP of Wheat, Barley, Gram, Masur (Lentil), Rapeseed/Mustard and Safflower were Rs. 1,735, 1,410, 4,400, 4,250, 4,000 and 4,100 per quintal respectively for the year 2017-18.

Note: Source: RAJYA SABHA SESSION – 247 UNSTARRED QUESTION No 494; Rs. per quintal; MSP: Minimum Support Prices; Cost includes all paid out costs such as those incurred on account of hired human labour, bullock labour/machine labour, rent paid for leased in land, expenses incurred on use of material inputs like seeds, fertilizers, manures, irrigation charges, depreciation on implements and farm buildings, interest on working capital, diesel/electricity for operation of pump sets etc, miscellaneous expenses and imputed value of family labour; #: Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP).

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Resource Title: Details of MSP, Cost and percent return over Cost during 2017-18 and 2018-19 (From : Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)

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Source: Rajya Sabha